Q Honey Badger Pistol Ruled SBR by Rogue ATF

On August 3rd, 2020, the Rogue ATF sent a letter to Q, LLC, makers of the Honey Badger, and stated that their previously approved SB Tactical made pistol brace design was now NOT a brace, but rather a stock.
They even went so far as to assume how the end user intended to use the brace. They did a number of different “tests” but then refused to back up those tests with fact.
Don’t worry it gets worse… They won’t even tell Q how they came to their conclusions or help them fix the issue in fear of a lawsuit. Let me take a second to say that if you won’t say something in fear you may be sued, you’re in the wrong.
Needless to say, the entire firearms industry has stepped up to defend Q and the owners of the Honey Badger pistol. This could have long lasting and negative effects on the AR pistol braces already in circulation.
One example, current owners of the Honey Badger Pistol would become felons quite literally overnight. This is obviously extremely troubling considering they purchased the pistol legally and within the scope of the law, or so we all were lead to believe at the time.
Heavy weight legal support had stepped up such as NRA-ILA, FPC, Gun Owners of America, and so many other companies. It’s good to see the industry coming together for a common cause and common good.
Now lets all #liveqordie and make sure the Honey Badger is freed from ATF hell.